
So I've considered just eliminating this blog and letting it fall off into cyberspace. Why clutter up my list of blogs that i love to read right? But then I realized that I'm wasting a useful tool in my life. I've actually been pretty good about keeping a pregnancy journal sort of up to date. And I'm trying to scrapbook also (tons of catching up there). In doing that, I've realized how many fun stories and neat happenings have been missed. I remember what received for Christmas last year, who we visited etc. But I don't know exactly what the kids said as they opened those fabulous presents! Wouldn't it be nice to check the old blog archives for that??
So here's to making another effort. If nothing but to keep my much overused pregnancy brain from melting down in the effort to keep track of all my stuff on my own. I'm adding a picture taken just under 3 weeks ago at the zoo (lest I forget that I actually looked thinner at 21 weeks along).