The Rush

So, my intention was to fill the blog with lots of holiday musings and pictures. And now, it is just 8 days away and that obviously hasn't happened. So what did? hmmmm.... Sean Michael Smitheman arrived, the kids saw Santa at King of Prussia mall, we baked 130 cookies for my cookie swap, we gave 5 well thought gifts to our giving tree at church, we hosted a nice brunch for my parents and I helped put together a book drive for my MOMS club service project. Oh and the house is decorated, semi-clean, and the tree is finished (to the un-trained eye). The kids seem to be enjoying the holiday spirit, the shopping is almost done and I'm only moderately exhausted. We even went to a lunch playdate last week and baked cookies at Jaime's house! See when it's on paper (er.. a screen), it's not too bad.
Please don't ask about Chrsitmas cards, gift wrapping or anything crafty... 8 days left right?
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