kids, scraps and assorted stuff

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

There's no particular reason for adding this picture to my blog. Just had to see if I could figure it out. It answers one of my many "How do they do that questions?". Now I get to see these cute faces when I scan back through my blog.

hehehe... so proud of myself!

How do they do it??

Every day, I wonder how people do things. Some are truly extraordinary and some are just everyday things beyond my reach. Here's my list for today:
1. How do people find the time to blog everyday?
2. How are you thoughtfull enough to know what to write?
3. How do you learn enough to become a brain surgeon?
4. Why can't we find a way to make more hours in a day or make humans function on no sleep?
5. How do you teach a 13 month old to drink from a sippy cup?

Well that's it for today. Obviously my mind is flooded by my to do list now and I need to go take care of stuff. Hope to be back sooner this time.