Monday, December 25, 2006
Friday, December 22, 2006

3 days to go.. wrapping to do and lots of it.. a house to clean.. things to bake and cook. Repeat to myself-- "You love Christmas!" Sure doesn't feel like it this year. Sickness, airports, travel stress, exhaustion. I think I'll add a really cute Disney pic to remind myself why all this stress is worth it. Once the big day has passed, I'll post a recap of the trip
Friday, December 01, 2006
Tis the Season

So here we are at December! Whoa! So many things to accomplish before 2006 comes to an end. Doing really well with Christmas this year. Shopping about done, cards are here but not ready to mail, house decorated and ready for the tree. All this with our trip to WDW only 8 days away! Here is our card shot for this year. Not what I had planned but cute and pretty representative nonetheless.